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Aug 13, 2010

patellar dislocation

erm...dok tmenung sorang2 xtau nk wat ape...lama2 gni leh jd gler aku... my life?? adakah ptt d jdkn satu cite utk djdkn tladan sume?? no one knows... bak kata sorg hamba Allah ni... sume nye ada hikmahnye....

teringat aku pd satu pepatah..erm pepatah ke?? xpe kite blasah je jnji phm..huhu..

renung2 la wahai NORAFIZAH...........................

bmula la kisah......

aku bosan asyk gtau aku skt ape.... rs mcm nk rekod n rewind blk kt sp2 yg btnye..huhu....

Patellar dislocation........

my 1st history.... happened in year 2006....

wktu tu aku join aktiviti bln phayatan smpena hr kmerdekaan pringkat negeri sarawak d stadium ttutup bintulu..
ala2 tentera gtu.....sygnye aku xde pic tu....huhu.....
every weekend kitaorg akn dbawa ke stadium utk training dbawah pimpinan...ala sp x knl...
ABG TUAH.... fames siot...... org srwk je knl dia.....huhu.....
aku salu la p praktis dr pg smpai mlm?? xla.... smpai rmh nk dkt maghrb...huhu..... bgn awal pg ooo...kalo x silap kol 7 pg..padahal blatih je....huhu.... tp bezzzzzzz...... tmbh lg aku mmg ske wat bnde2 lasak ni..... coz aku jns kasar......huhu  yeke??? tu dulu.......

slps event tu abizz... pd mlm nye...mcm biase tdoq lewat.... nk tdo....


kdengaran rmh ku bgai nk runtuh.....
mak ayah abg n so on...bgegas ke bilik ku.....stlh mdgr jeritan ku...
ayah mmeluk ku...aku ksejukan.... mak btnye.... "ape kes nor"..aku mjawab "lutut ku tkuar"..  "ha?mana2???"..."ada td...nor dh masuk kn balik"....

wktu tu mmg sejuk mcm wktu tu nk p kpdNYa.....wktu tu tbayang wjh geng2 ku.... kata ku dlm ht "aduh...ksian kwn ku x sempat aku mntak maaf kt depa".... "aduh dosa ku slama ni..mnyesal aku x smpat btaubat"........................................

aku time tu.....uish....sejuk thp.....mmg sejuk la.....
tnpa aku sedar...ayah dok bz mbaca syahadah d tlnga ku....
"nor2...mgucap nor...ingat Allah nor"..........

ayat tkeluar dr mulut ku...

"ayah...nor ngantuk...nk tdoq"

tp aku x tdo2.....huhu........

alhmdulillah aku slmt.... mgkin ade hikmahnye....kita xtau.... mgkin juz warning dr Allah..dek krn dosaku yg btimbun2...huhu....2 bln aku x p skolah..erm... tp lps tu aku trskn aktiviti yg lbh lasak...haha......
itu aku...bdk degil........


my 2nd klntan...........
ntah la....mybe aku penat kot...huhu.....

blaku pd 6 julai kalo x silap aku..huhu...
wktu program orientasi pimpin siswa lestari Usm...
pg2 tu dh jem2....
nk p jmpe tijan...nk borak jap....tgor la freddy dulu...tba2.... waduh2....
aisehmen..lutut ku kuar la wey......
then....aku pn masuk kn sndiri.......huhu....coz org xtau pe mslhku....coz aku speechless.....
aku try tenangkn diriku shabis mgkin......coz aku xnak pengsan.....nnti org xtau sktku ape.....
erm.... then i admit ke hsptl usm......aku hnye mmpu mnangis....
kat kpala aku wktu tu pk parent je...aduh.... apa plu aku wat ni....huhu...
mcm ne aku nk gtau diaorg spy diaorg x risau.....
then tnpa aku sdari aku ttdo stlh penat mnahan skt....
tba2 aku bmimpi ayahku...
dia mnangis mnyuruh ku pulang ku srwk....
tkejut aku dr mimpi...trs aku mnangis yg amat over dos...tuhan je tau prasan ku ktk itu....akak ppsl yg jg aku time tu....nama dia kak najihah...bdk medic...dia r yg jg aku lg..huhu... then my lovely sis yg setia jg alu.... nur aiez mustafa....jah name d pggl.... baik orgnye......

dh2.... end of aku nk cite lg.......

ni aku wat ni nk d jdkn kngn yg terindah wat aku........

aku wat la research tu patellar dislocate???

tau x???

meh i tell u my story.....(aku copy paste je..kuikui)

Patellar dislocations occur with significant regularity, particular in young female athletes (Palmu et al.., 2008). It involves the patella sliding out of its position on the knee, most often laterally, and may be associated with extremely intense pain and swelling (Dath et al.., 2006). The patella can be tracked back into the groove with an extension of the leg, and therefore sometimes returns into the proper position on its own (Dath et al., 2006).

Anatomy of the Knee

Anatomy of the KneeThe patella rests in the patellofemoral groove, a cavity located on the knee between the distal femur and the tibia. The sides of the patella attach to certain ligaments and tendons to stabilize and support it. The superior border of the patella attaches to the common tendon of the quadriceps muscles (Dath et al.., 2006), the medial borders are attached to the vastus medialis muscle, and the lower border is connected to the tibial tuberosity. The main ligament stabilizer, the patellofemoral ligament, rests directly over the femur and the patella while the lateral and medial collateral ligaments act as the secondary ligament stabilizers from either side of the patella (Dath et al.., 2006).

Patellar tendon rupture

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Patellar tendon rupture

Classification and external resources

Patellar tendon rupture showing a marked distance between the tibial tuberosity and the bottom of the patella.

ICD-10 S76.1

ICD-9 727.66

eMedicine article/1249472

Patellar tendon rupture is an rupture of the tendon that connects the patella to the tibia. The patellar tendon attaches to the tibial tubercle on the front of the tibia just below the front of the knee, and is connected to the bottom of the patella, above which are attached to the quadriceps tendon, followed by the quadriceps muscle, large muscles on the front of the thigh. This structure allows the knee to flex and extend, allowing use of basic functions such as walking and running.

When rupture occurs, the patella loses support from the tibia and moves toward the hip when the quadriceps muscle contract, hindering the leg's ability to extend. This means that those affected cannot stand, as their knee buckles and gives way when they attempt to.

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ok la .....smpai cni dulu be continue wth my doc letter result n my pic.................................

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